the thing about not receiving is…

I think we have all heard the adage: “it is better to give than to receive”

The thing about not receiving is, that when I am not willing to receive, I am obstructing my creations. When I am not willing to acknowledge my creations, I nullify me, and take me out of the equation, negating my potency, limiting me, my joy, and my choice. I have done lots of this, and I don’t like it very much.

I am learning that when I am more willing to give, than receive, I am messing with Divine design. There are so many examples in nature of how receiving as we give nourishes all, and allows sustainability, grace, and joy in the process. For example, the human heart is equipped with self-nourishing vessels that, with every body-nourishing contraction of the heart, send some of the heart’s very best work, richly oxygenated blood, into the heart-tissue itself, nourishing it, and clearing waste, enabling it to keep nourishing all of the other tissues, without breaks, for a lifetime. That is a bad-assed brilliant design. When a heart’s self-nourishing vessels are obstructed, it is a four-alarm fire, a real emergency, and often includes a heart-attack. What would I possibly have to gain by obstructing my receiving?

I have also noticed how challenging it can be to receive acknowledgement from someone else. It has sometimes seemed more polite to brush off a compliment with a glib comment, or by minimizing myself, or the creation, or contribution being acknowledged. It is, after all, shameful to be full of pride, and acknowledging my creations and contributions will surely lead me astray! Wait. Now that I have written that, and seen it written, it is so clear to me how full of caca and self-minimizing nonesense it is.

It seems possible that I will be only be more of me, when I acknowledge me, in total allowance of me, and choose true caring for me. And, I am often amazed at how much practice it takes for me to choose true caring for me with consistency.

I am certain that if I want to be all of the contribution I am here to be, I am going going to need to learn to receive, perceive, be, and actually choose true caring for me, in total allowance of me. It will be vital to receive me, in total allowance of all I truly Be, and acknowledge, and appreciate the being I Be, to be all the Love I can Be.

How much Love, and abundance, and nurturance have I been refusing with the judgement and limitation of me, I’ve been choosing? Would I be willing to release that practice, and choose something different?

Yes please.

happy new year

Today is a double-awesome day of celebrations.

Today is an Aquarius new moon, I wish a happy new moon to all! And, with the 2nd new moon following Winter Solstice, we also get to celebrate Chinese new year.

Happy new year, filled with Love,  joy, ease, and abundance for all!

This past year has held so very much change, focused commitment, healing, learning, and more Love than I had imagined possible.

This year, I am affirming my commitment to choosing true caring for me, more than ever before.