
For many years I have been encouraging myself and others in choosing more Love, Light, and ease. Sometimes that has meant making hard choices, sometimes uncomfortable ones, sometimes lots of them. In these moments, and lots of others, I have affirmed how strong and brave I am.

May today’s post serve as a gentle reminder of how strong, and brave- or if you mash the two words together, how ‘strave’ you are.

And may kittypuppet encourage your day to unfold with ease and joy.

You deserve to feel how unconditionally Loved, Loveable, and Loving you are.

Coffee Food Love

Coffee. Food. Love. These words have been central in the last few years of my day-to-day life.

I moved from a window-walled, penthouse apartment in Vancouver to beautiful Victoria, and I started baking at a community coffee shop, in addition to my healing practice. The bakery for this coffee shop is located underground; no windows, no natural light.

While some things have changed, some things remain the same. Much of my meditation, and healing practices just moved underground, and I learned to practice in parallel with kitchen productivity.

In my underground lair I had a lot of time to be with myself, with no other people, or daylight, and few distractions.  I created beautiful food, and breathed, and prayed. I practiced the craft of cooking while meditating, and learned to be an amplified instrument of Love-Food; something I have long practiced was now being shared on a larger scale.

With that idea in mind I will also share the awareness I came to, about expanding the reach, of a Lovefull message.

I have been praying, cultivating my own, individual relationship with Divine for a long while, and I have been doing it privately. Generally, and for as long as I can remember, I have preferred to pray alone, mostly not out loud, or in front of other people. I knew I was very comfortable with someone when I would find myself praying easily in their presence.

Increasingly, I am perceiving guidance that there may be value in sharing my prayer practices, and Lovefull ideas with others. What if sharing my perspective might open more choice for others?

I do not define myself as an expert, of anything really, especially not anything to do with the Divine, or Love, or religion of any kind.  I am more of a persistent student, with a real taste for ‘humble-pie’.

It is in this Light I long to be an instrument of Love, and a contribution of service.

I perceive that I am to share this message of ‘Divine Love available for anyone who chooses it, with true longing, and openness.’

While I have studied, and continue to study, lots of different kinds of healing, and tools, and resources, I do not call myself a healer, a teacher, nor a writer.

There are times that I am not so sure that I really identify with this role I am being guided to pursue. I might have imagined, and actually have publicly spoken about, many other topics readily, and yet this topic feels different.

I truly long to be an open channel of Divine Love and healing for me, and the Earth, and all beings, and choosing awareness of my guidance is only one step on this parth. Acting on my guidance is another important step, making choices that reflect my guidance and inner-most longings sounds so easy, and yet sometimes I find it challenging.

Challenging or easy, I am committed to choosing true caring for me, in total allowance of me, as I learn to be a truly open channel of Love. I’ll keep practicing and see what gets created…

courage with a capital ‘C’

I am so grateful for my growing courage in allowing, and expressing my creativity; freely, Lovingly, and with great Frequency.

I am learning to allow whatever comes up.

I am practicing reaching for Love and gentleness in what ever arises in my Life situation.

I am learning to notice what comes up, without judgement or wrongness, and it is expanding my awareness, and possibilities.

The more often I choose Love, the more my Faith in my commitment, to reach for Love, grows.

When in my daily life, I choose to align with ease, when I choose Love for me, I radiate my growing Light to all.

When I trust that I will reach for Love, and honour my integrity, as my dynamic life unfolds, I nourish my courage, and all aspects of my authentic being.

I am grateful for my growing courage to choose, and keep choosing, true Caring, and total allowance of me, and who I Be.

I am finding it takes some courage to choose, with open awareness,

Choosing in allowance of the unknown, which the material mind may label as scary, can take courage, and practice. Sometimes the mind’s judgement of the unfamiliar creates fear, limitation, and avoidance,

I can dip into my well of courage to choose things that are unfamiliar, and open my awareness to more possibilities, and my willingness to choose, and re-choose, opens the reality of True freedom.

I am practicing asking more often than concluding, and I like how Light it feels. I like that I am, choice-by-choice, creating my life, in total allowance of me, with infinite possibilities.

radiatiting from a place of full

I invite each of you to radiate from a place of full.

I am learning new ways to commit, more fully, to unconditional Love. This kind of Love opens Love for everyone, all of the time.

As powerful, and abundant as Love is, it always  honours our will. I am learning to invite Love in, welcome Love, and choose Love with every action, every word, and every breath.

As committed as I am to choosing Love, ease, and gentleness, I often find this challenging, especially when it comes to committing to unconditional Love for myself, free of judgement.

And yet, no choice I have made have been more rewarding  than my commitment to choosing Love and ease, free of judgement for myself, or others.

Judgement is a way to distance, limit, and separate.

The more I choose Love, the more Love opens in my life, everywhere. So very awesome.

May we all choose Love, and fill up, so full, overflowing the previously perceived edges, that we radiate from a place of feeling truly Loved, Love-able, and Loving.

We, each, deserve more Love than we have ever previously imagined or opened for ourselves. Love leads to Love.

I choose Love.


the juicy insight, and profound power of “Why?”

I was recently blessed to share time with a little person. By little person, I mean a person who is youthful, and little, and asks “why?” frequently. And by frequently, I mean a lot. A Lot.

I was reminded about the importance of that question. Answering Why, indicates our motivation, which can provide profound insight.

What if there was benefit in greeting your life situation with Loving reasons for every event, every activity, every thought, Idea, and interaction.

What if how I do what I do, and even what I am doing, matter less than why.

If every action I take is driven by a deep desire to align more fully, joyfully, and abundantly with Love, then I suspect that even my chores would be profoundly more nourishing, when the reason driving my action was Love.

What if, even taking out the compost, or folding laundry was a way to help me feel more Loved, Lovable, and Loving? I could aptly focus my thoughts on coming up with excellent, nourishing, self-Loving, prosperous reasons for why I do everything I do.

I am finding great joy and ease in indulging in choosing Love, consciously, and then attaching it to the menial tasks of my day to day life. It feels empowered, creative, and silly. Also, I am finding it much easier to do much more, and feel nourished, rather than depleted.

As a free, accessible exercise, that contributes to a conscious practice of Love and gentleness, this one feels like a winner to me. Now I am more aware of my ability to ask “Why?” and my faith in my courage to choose Love as the answer is growing, question by question.