courage with a capital ‘C’

I am so grateful for my growing courage in allowing, and expressing my creativity; freely, Lovingly, and with great Frequency.

I am learning to allow whatever comes up.

I am practicing reaching for Love and gentleness in what ever arises in my Life situation.

I am learning to notice what comes up, without judgement or wrongness, and it is expanding my awareness, and possibilities.

The more often I choose Love, the more my Faith in my commitment, to reach for Love, grows.

When in my daily life, I choose to align with ease, when I choose Love for me, I radiate my growing Light to all.

When I trust that I will reach for Love, and honour my integrity, as my dynamic life unfolds, I nourish my courage, and all aspects of my authentic being.

I am grateful for my growing courage to choose, and keep choosing, true Caring, and total allowance of me, and who I Be.

I am finding it takes some courage to choose, with open awareness,

Choosing in allowance of the unknown, which the material mind may label as scary, can take courage, and practice. Sometimes the mind’s judgement of the unfamiliar creates fear, limitation, and avoidance,

I can dip into my well of courage to choose things that are unfamiliar, and open my awareness to more possibilities, and my willingness to choose, and re-choose, opens the reality of True freedom.

I am practicing asking more often than concluding, and I like how Light it feels. I like that I am, choice-by-choice, creating my life, in total allowance of me, with infinite possibilities.