Alliance of Light

Some time back I was asked to step forward and offer guided prayers to build community and fortify the infrastructures of Light and our beautiful planet.

A group of wonderful people stepped up to form the Alliance of Light and we gather on zoom twice monthly to pray together, and also we pray offline, simultaneously, every Monday at 08:00am Pacific and 1:00pm Pacific.

Whenever you would like to participate in the Alliance of Light prayers live, via Zoom they happen on:

The first Wednesday of each month, at 10:00am Pacific


The third Thursday of each month, at 4:00pm Pacific

see link for your local time  (

The format is the zoom room opens a little while ahead of the prayer, and it usually opens to a welcome screen that invites silent personal contemplation/prayer. At the top of the hour I turn my camera on, offer a welcome, and review the format.

Alliance of Light development circle Format:

1) Welcome

2) a) Guided prayer

b) Silence, open receptivity

c) Prayer of Gratitude

3) Sharing, totally optional

This is a development circle. Each circle is a stand-along circle, and all the Alliance of Light circles are inter-connected and offer cumulative opportunities for development.

I offer a guided prayer, then an opportunity for silence and open receptivity, and then I offer a closing prayer of gratitude.

After the prayer, there is an opportunity for sharing if anyone desires to, and sometimes we just let the energies carry us into our days, enjoying the conditions, without sharing verbally.

The link remains the same for all of Alliance of Light sessions. If you retain this link you will be able to access the prayers.

Alliance of Light Zoom linky:

You can also type in this meeting ID, if you prefer:

Meeting ID: 837 9307 4472

The password is: love

You do not have to turn on your camera or interact if you don’t desire to, please feel free to participate in anyway that works for you, and of course, only if it is Light for you. 

If you prefer anonymity you may like to change your zoom name to something other than your name, as this chosen name appears in the zoom screen when the camera is on or off. 

With so much Love, Light, and appreciation,

Elizabeth Trask

And the Alliance of Light Planning Team

Healing Light Harmonics zoom series

Healing Light Harmonics (HLH):  A recurring, 3 part series of online zoom development circles.
We created HLH to support people with integrating the unique energetic shifts and Light contributions available now, and through to the end of 2022.
In this unique time on Earth, where we are all rising to challenges personally and globally, we would like to offer an opportunity to cultivate tools for energetic hygiene, and deepen our connection to our breath, bodies, minds, spirits, and souls.
Together, we can choose to step into the continuous flow of unconditional Love!
We can greatly benefit from the increased Light available in the biosphere presently, and practice alignments with the highest harmonics of Love and Light available to us.
We cultivate a culture of gentleness and allowance, as we explore our unique experiences and share our desire to be open to the contributions we can receive, and be here, and now.
This circle offers us opportunities to practice the skills of being clear in our energetic intention; nurturing our desire to be aligned with the Harmonious Light energies, within the vessel of a guided meditation.
By practicing open receptivity, we are allowing the Healing Light frequencies to contribute to our personal healing and development, and collectively, we also contribute to the Earth, and the infrastructures of Light that surround it.
Each session opens with a warm welcome and then dives into the guided meditation. A period of silence follows to allow for each of us to offer our unique desires, longings, and gratitude, and for individual alignment with one’s own aspects as well as developing our unique rapport with Source.
During this silent time of open receptivity, there is opportunity for each individual to receive energetic nurturance, and release energetic discordances. A closing prayer of gratitude will be offered to close each meditation session. A brief opportunity for sharing personal experiences of the mediation will be offered every session.
Each participant who joins us, and brings their sincere desires for alignment with the highest Healing Light Harmonic energies available, will be gifted many opportunities for healing, uplifting, development and contributions to be ministered by the many Beings of Light.
These series will be recorded, and the replay made available to anyone who signs up to attend, creating flexibility for folks who are not able to attend all 3 in each series.
Our pilot Healing Light Harmonics, series of 3 begins  6:30pm-7:45pm, PDT, on September 27th, with the second session on October 4th, and the third session of the series on October 11th, 2022.
see link for your local time  (
This pilot series is being offered by donation. We welcome you to e-transfer your donation to, or paypal to, and in the notes section of your chosen donation platform, please write HLH.
Each session participant will receive a session feedback form, your feedback is greatly valued and will contribute to the construction of the remaining series.
We welcome you to email us at for more information, and let us know you would like to participate, so we can email you the zoom link ahead of time.
We welcome you to share this invitation with anyone you sense would be interested.
Thank you so very kindly. We hope to see you online!


Coffee Food Love

Coffee. Food. Love. These words have been central in the last few years of my day-to-day life.

I moved from a window-walled, penthouse apartment in Vancouver to beautiful Victoria, and I started baking at a community coffee shop, in addition to my healing practice. The bakery for this coffee shop is located underground; no windows, no natural light.

While some things have changed, some things remain the same. Much of my meditation, and healing practices just moved underground, and I learned to practice in parallel with kitchen productivity.

In my underground lair I had a lot of time to be with myself, with no other people, or daylight, and few distractions.  I created beautiful food, and breathed, and prayed. I practiced the craft of cooking while meditating, and learned to be an amplified instrument of Love-Food; something I have long practiced was now being shared on a larger scale.

With that idea in mind I will also share the awareness I came to, about expanding the reach, of a Lovefull message.

I have been praying, cultivating my own, individual relationship with Divine for a long while, and I have been doing it privately. Generally, and for as long as I can remember, I have preferred to pray alone, mostly not out loud, or in front of other people. I knew I was very comfortable with someone when I would find myself praying easily in their presence.

Increasingly, I am perceiving guidance that there may be value in sharing my prayer practices, and Lovefull ideas with others. What if sharing my perspective might open more choice for others?

I do not define myself as an expert, of anything really, especially not anything to do with the Divine, or Love, or religion of any kind.  I am more of a persistent student, with a real taste for ‘humble-pie’.

It is in this Light I long to be an instrument of Love, and a contribution of service.

I perceive that I am to share this message of ‘Divine Love available for anyone who chooses it, with true longing, and openness.’

While I have studied, and continue to study, lots of different kinds of healing, and tools, and resources, I do not call myself a healer, a teacher, nor a writer.

There are times that I am not so sure that I really identify with this role I am being guided to pursue. I might have imagined, and actually have publicly spoken about, many other topics readily, and yet this topic feels different.

I truly long to be an open channel of Divine Love and healing for me, and the Earth, and all beings, and choosing awareness of my guidance is only one step on this parth. Acting on my guidance is another important step, making choices that reflect my guidance and inner-most longings sounds so easy, and yet sometimes I find it challenging.

Challenging or easy, I am committed to choosing true caring for me, in total allowance of me, as I learn to be a truly open channel of Love. I’ll keep practicing and see what gets created…